Tag Archives: conserving electricity

Do It in the Dark

5 Nov


Come to the Kickoff event for Do It in the Dark at Theta Chi tomorrow night from 8-9pm!

Do It in the Dark is a fun electricity conservation competition on campus. Theta Chi and the Sustainability Office at Colgate will be hosting the event in which residents halls will compete for the lowest electricity use from November 3-17. You can check out the competition with the help of the Lucid Dashboard, a visual aid that shows just how much energy is being used in each hall.

The event at Theta Chi will be lit by lanterns only (mood lighting, if you will) and will feature acoustic guitar and piano playing by a few very talented brothers. You will also have a chance to win special prizes and gift cards in a black light painting competition!

Come to the event tomorrow, participate in the competition these next couple of weeks, and continue to conserve energy, it’s as simple as turning off the lights when you leave a room.

We will see you tomorrow night!

